Friday, December 12, 2008

Gaahl, gay or true?

OK, we all know that Gaahl of Gorgoroth has just come out of the closet. We also know now that he is planning on releasing a clothing line with his French designer boyfriend. We also know the the biggest afront to God and Christianity would be homosexuality. So with all this in mind, this bears teh question, is Gaahl's being ghey, trve, kvlt and antichristian? Or is he just a fag?
Of course we have to look at it this way, Gorgoroth is the trvest, most kvltest, most heavy, most Satanic band out there and then Gaahl comes out about liking danglers. :O
I can't begin to answer this question. All I can say is I hope Necrobutcher from Mayhem doesn't come out to. That would be a low blow.

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